Wednesday, April 18, 2012

John Wiese, Luminous In Nummer, Gastric Lavage

at Flywheel::: Take me on a trip I want to cee ell ey? Whut you want to use hollywood as a metonymy for decadent exces?? well yes silly, weirdowood gives me wood but lets talk to the ELL EY (say it) ripper 

John Wiese: Fraggle Rock stole my lollipop then dem muppets decided to go into politics by setting off digi bombs of al gore riddims y mut bueno queso of the delicious harsh noise gurggling phat miasmas, high end spinny discs of hedgehog (Sonic) and other thick rich difficult piled on weirdly spliced and presented Na-Na-NAS NOISE. COmputers and shit, Okay? Noise, yeah!

 Gastric Lavage: da lokal ripper. not loco burger. but you gotta be loco noz to fux with guit fidback super loudness loop decay. pedalzz dog.. ya boi dooley...okay dooley noted!

 Luminous in Nummer: it's me dumb ben!! (Full Length Forthcoming on Feeding Tube Records and EP on Night People)

 some of this is a lie. some of what I'm telling you may make no sense at all, but no matter what you think of what I am saying, don't confisticate my poomAs!!!

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