Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happening in the History Room, Nov 9th

At the Montague Bookmill

Wednesday November 9th - 8pm FREE

with: R.M.O’Brien, Ben Hersey, Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof

R.M. O'Brien lives in Baltimore with his wife and son. He subsists solely on Mountain Dew, a multivitamin, and fruits from the Tree of Life. When he wakes up, his face is radiant with the light of the True Guru.

Benjamin Hersey is a writer and performance artist from Northampton, Massachusetts. He recently collaborated with Seth Lepore in Get a Job/Take Me Home Tonight and Dance and Text: A Lethal Combination. He attempts to commune with the godhead via personal stories/monologues, portraits of loved ones, his New England ancestry/past lives, bright light, cake, flesh, rotting vegetables, sexy noises, and R&B.

Western Mass resident Joshua Vrysen tries to mix up your journey with sounds from music tapes played through multiple boomboxes. sometimes makes a mess. sometimes sings some songs. usually tries to create a collective memory.

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